Missions Month

Across the Destiny Ministries Family we are coming together to make a global impact by giving to missions.
During this "Missions Month" we are highlighting areas of mission
that we are directly making happen or support. Below you will find a short description and video about the various mission work we are bringing into focus and giving towards.
Let's all give generously and pray over all that God is doing through these kingdom endeavours.
Thank you so much!

"Go into all the world"
Mark 16:15
"For I testify that according to their ability, and beyond their ability, they gave of their own accord"
2 Corinthians 8:3
Destiny has been directly active in India since 1993. We have seen many churches planted, pastors trained and social care programs started - including an orphanage for children and help for widows. Many are in great need in India and lives continue to be radically changed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the practical love of God.
"Jesus Alive Gospel Outreach" has a vision to see Africa saved by the love of Jesus. They exist to take the Gospel to the unreached people of Africa, provide discipleship training to believers and equip local church leaders through Bible-based teaching and leadership training in their local languages.
Living Water Adopt-a-Child is a global ministry with offices in the U.S., U.K., Canada, Germany, Guatemala and Albania. Thousands of children in Guatemala & Albania benefit from feeding programmes, medical/dental clinics, youth centres and churches.
Church Planting.
As an apostolic movement, Destiny Ministries is committed to planting churches and to providing discipleship opportunities throughout Europe and the rest of the world. There are new doors of opportunity opening all of the time - together we can "go and make disciples".
Please give generously. All donations will be used by Destiny Ministries to support the above missions organisations and endeavours. Thank you so much!
Bank Transfer.
Please use the following banking details:
Important! Please use the term "Missions Month" as your giving description / reason on your bank transfer.
Account Name: Destiny Ministries
In the UK:
Sort Code: 83-44-00 Account No: 00250281
Europe & International:
IBAN: GB65 RBOS 8344 0000 250281
Give quickly & safely through our online giving portal.